Expectation: The Womb for Manifestation

In the journey of life, we often find ourselves grappling with hope and faith. Hope is not just merely throwing up a prayer and waiting to see what will happen. Hope is defined as the expectation for a desired outcome, which can either lift us up when fulfilled or bring us down when deferred. Proverbs remind us of this fact.

“Hope deferred makes the heart sick, but when desire is fulfilled, it is a tree of life” – Proverbs 13:12 (AMP)

In contrast, faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen (Hebrews 11:1). It is through faith that we can please God, believing in His existence and His reward for those who diligently seek Him (Hebrews 11:6). 

In this blog, we delve into the inseparable bond between expectation and faith, exploring how they pave the way for the supernatural in our lives.

I. The Essence of Expectation

Expectation is not mere wishful thinking; rather, it is rooted in the character, faithfulness, and promises of God. Biblical hope is the confident anticipation of God’s goodness and blessings, even in the face of adversity. When we expect to see God’s manifested goodness and hear His voice, we position ourselves to witness the miraculous.

a. Legacy-Minded Expectation

Drawing inspiration from David’s life, we see how having a legacy-minded expectation fuels our journey. Despite not building the temple himself, David expected to see God’s promise fulfilled through his son Solomon. Legacy-mindedness transcends personal accomplishment, seeking to play a part in witnessing God’s work unfolding through successive generations.

 “I would have despaired (lost heart) had I not believed that I would see the goodness of the Lord In the land of the living.” – Psalms 27:12-14 AMP

b. Pregnant with Expectation

Expectation is akin to a pregnant woman, excitedly anticipating the birth of something wonderful. When we are expectant, we refuse to be silenced by doubt and negativity, just as blind Bartimaeus (Mark 10) persisted in seeking Jesus for healing despite the circumstance and voices trying to silence him. Like Bartimaeus, it is time to shed the garments of disappointments, excuses and limitations and embrace a life of expectancy and hope.

II. Cultivating Expectation: Seeking God’s Manifestation

a. The Key to Hearing God

To hear God’s voice with expectant hope, we need to be mindful, patient, and continually seeking Him. Cultivating a regular practice of prayer, meditation, and studying Scripture helps us remain aware of God’s presence in our daily lives, opening us to His guidance and revelation.

b. Expectancy Magnifies Faith

Expectation and faith share an intimate bond, amplifying each other’s power. Trusting in God’s divine plan and eagerly awaiting His favor creates the perfect environment for miracles to manifest in our lives.

In closing, expectation and faith are the dynamic duo that empowers us to navigate life’s challenges and experience the supernatural. As we nurture a legacy-minded expectancy and actively seek God’s presence, we align ourselves with His presence, power and promises. Let us shed the garments of disappointments, excuses and limitations, embracing a life pregnant with hope, faith, and anticipation for God’s goodness. By doing so, we open the door to a life filled with divine manifestations and a deeper connection with the Almighty God. May our hearts be resolute in expecting God’s abundant blessings, confident that the best is yet to come. What are you expecting, today, this week, this month or even this year?

I declare that your expectations may increase, your faith be strengthed and your eyes fixed on Jesus and His Word. 

Shaun Smit 
Senior Leader 
Faith Legacy Believers Church (Gold Coast) 

One Comment

  1. Such an encouraging message
    Rob and I are reading your News letter together. What we have learned is that Bible Hope is so important because it is a crucial ingredient for faith. Hope is the fuel of Faith God Bless you and Pastor Megan for your Bible Based teaching AMEN 🌟🙏🌟🕊️

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