The Fruit of True Worship: Worshippers Understand Warfare

We’ve been on a series about cultivating a heart for God and that True Worshippers possess certain characteristics and bear fruit that glorifies God. Today, I want to conclude with your prayer life, but not only your prayer life, understanding that there is a place in the spirit as well as a specific approach to …

The Fruits of True Worship: Cultivating a Heart after God – Part 2: Worshippers Seek God

True Worshipers are those who seek God first above all. In our journey to understand the true essence of worship, we continue part two of this series and look at Jesus’ conversation with the Samaritan Woman at the well, which offers profound insights. The passage in John 4:19-24 (NKJV) captures a moment of revelation: “The Woman said …

The Fruits of True Worship: Cultivating a Heart after God

Part 1: God Seeks Worshippers Introduction Worship is more than an act; it’s a lifestyle that embodies our relationship with God. In the scripture, God consistently seeks those who worship Him in spirit and truth. This blog explores how true worship transforms lives and connects us deeply with our Heavenly Father. As we delve into …

Our God of Hope: Keep swimming; it’s not over!

This blog is inspired by Col Stringers’ recent Faith Legacy Believers Church message.  In times of despair, it’s crucial to remember that our hope is anchored in God’s steadfast love. Hebrews 6:19 (NKJV) tells us, “This hope we have as an anchor of the soul, both sure and steadfast, and which enters the Presence behind the …

Accessing Destiny and Inheritance (Honour is a Key)

I’m inspired to write this week’s Blog post based on Pastor Tom Inglis’s message, which he shared at Faith Legacy Believers Church this weekend.  “Are you ready to witness a transformation that will attract countless souls to the church? A time is coming when our churches will overflow with people eager to experience the presence …

Heavens oil! Empowered from above

My question is, “Are you dry and dismissed or appointed and anointed?” Another question would be, “Is there oil in your gears, or are they seized?” We need God’s anointing in our lives. To be able to do the things required of us requires special assistance from above.  In Luke 3:16 (NKJV), John the Baptist declares, “I indeed baptise …

Mother’s Day Special: A Reflection on Mary as a Model for the Church.

As Mother’s Day has just passed, our thoughts often turn to those who have nurtured and guided us through life. This year, let us also reflect on a mother whose profound experience transcends time and continues to echo through the ages—Mary, the mother of Jesus. Her story, notably as recounted in Luke 1:30-38, not only provides …

Kingdom Increase Series Part 2: “A Prosperous Mindset”

In this second part of our Sermon Series “Kingdom Increase,” “A Prosperous Mindset – Money Matters”, we dig into the critical aspect of cultivating a prosperous mindset towards financial increase, abundance and success in all we do, guided by divine principles from Scripture. Today’s reflection draws from pivotal moments in the biblical narrative of Abraham, particularly …

Kingdom Increase: Cultivating a Prosperous Mindset

In pursuing spiritual growth, we often overlook the significance of our mindset towards material wealth or increase in general. But can we experience the fullness of God’s blessings without aligning our mindset with His principles of abundance?  The Bible clearly states that the level of external Prosperity we experience is subject to the level of …