Embracing Active Participation in the Kingdom of God

In our faith journey, we often find ourselves at a crossroads, pondering a crucial question: “Are we observers or participants in the Kingdom of God?” This blog delves into the profound impact of being a participant—a partaker—over being an observer in our spiritual lives and the broader church community.

The Difference of Observation and ParticipationIn Sports and Faith

The distinction between observing and participating is evident in team sports. Though emotionally invested, observers need more direct experience in making strategic decisions or physically engaging in the game. In contrast, participants are deeply involved, making quick decisions, adapting strategies, and feeling the game’s intense emotional highs and lows. They also have a sense of responsibility for the team’s success or failure. This analogy extends beautifully to our spiritual lives.

“The Kingdom of God extends beyond mere attendance at a local church; it invites you to connect and actively participate in an expanding Kingdom.” – Shaun Smit.

The Call to Be Partakers (Beyond Spectating)

Scripture invites us to be more than observers. Peter notes that we are called to be partakers of the divine nature (2 Peter 1:1-4). This isn’t about passive observation but active engagement—investing our spirit, soul, and body in God’s work. It’s twofold, not only about receiving by faith the Grace God has provided but also about actively partaking in Kingdom activities. 

“Simon Peter, a bondservant and apostle of Jesus Christ, To those who have obtained like precious faith with us by the righteousness of our God and Savior Jesus Christ: Grace and peace be multiplied to you in the knowledge of God and of Jesus our Lord, as His divine power has given to us all things that pertain to life and godliness, through the knowledge of Him who called us by glory and virtue, by which have been given to us exceedingly great and precious promises, that through these you may be partakers of the divine nature, having escaped the corruption that is in the world through lust.” – 2 Peter 1:1-4 NKJV

A Bondservant’s Heart

As described in 2 Peter 1:1, a bondservant serves voluntarily, bound by love and devotion. A Bondservant is someone who enters into servitude voluntarily, often for a specific purpose or duration and is generally treated better than slaves. The term also carries a spiritual connotation, symbolizing a devoted and voluntary service to God.” This role goes beyond duty; it’s about a heartfelt commitment to serve a higher purpose. 

Co-Labouring in God’s Garden as Fellow Workers in God’s Field

As fellow workers (1 Corinthians 3:9-10), we are not just volunteers or Sunday worshippers. Our calling is to be co-labourers with Christ daily, using our gifts in the church and the marketplace for Kingdom expansion. We are not our own nor Born again to exist but rather co-exist and co-labour with God. 

”For we are fellow workmen (joint promoters, laborers together) with and for God; you are God’s garden and vineyard and field under cultivation, [you are] God’s building. [Isa. 61:3.] According to the grace (the special endowment for my task) of God bestowed on me, like a skillful architect and master builder I laid [the] foundation, and now another [man] is building upon it. But let each [man] be careful how he builds upon it,“ – 1 Corinthians 3:9-10 AMPC

These are two relevant quotes that truly undergird the above-mentioned scriptures: 

“Coming together is a beginning, staying together is progress, and working together is success.” – Henry Ford

“I can do things you cannot, you can do things I cannot; together we can do great things.” – Mother Teresa

Living Sacrifices: Our Reasonable Service (Called to Serve)

Romans 12:1 urges us to present our bodies as living sacrifices—this is our reasonable service. We follow Christ’s example, the ultimate servant leader, by using our talents and abilities to advance God’s Kingdom and impact society.

“I beseech you therefore, brethren, by the mercies of God, that you present your bodies a living sacrifice, holy, acceptable to God, which is your reasonable service.” – Romans 12:1 NKJV

Embracing Our Role in the Kingdom (Ownership, Responsibility, and Accountability)

Every believer has a sense of ownership, responsibility, and accountability in the Kingdom of God. Whether it be your active role within the local Church or your vocation whereby you embrace the giftings, talents, abilities and resources to be a shining light in the marketplace. It’s about taking what Jesus has done, all God has promised, and actively contributing to the Kingdom’s work.

Seeking the Spirit’s Guidance (Daily Kingdom Activities)

Ask the Holy Spirit what He requires of you. How can you partner in Kingdom activities daily? What can I do both with the local church and within my vocation to partner with God? It’s about being a partaker, not just a spectator; a participant, not merely an observer.

Our role in the Kingdom of God is not passive. We are called to active participation, bringing our unique gifts and talents. As we step into this role, we enrich our spiritual journey.

This blog was inspired by Ps Shaun‘s message at Faith Legacy Believers Church on the 14th January, 2024. You can view the message below.

One Comment

  1. Psalm 143:8
    ‘Show me the way I should go, for to You I entrust my life’ To know His direction in my life I need to place my life in His hands. God’s guidance will be like a light that shows me His path for my steps.
    I don’t want to do my own thing ; I want to do what is pleasing and acceptable to You. Amen 🍃🙏🍃🕊️🍃
    Ps Rob and I want to thank you for the special time you spent with us during prayer night. We were so blessed and encouraged.
    by the words that you spoke over us. God’s Blessings be upon you
    Rob and Dee 🍃🙏🍃🕊️🍃💙 🍃

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