The Kingdom Way: Understanding the Kingdom – Living a Life of Eternal Impact

In the tapestry of Christian teachings, a theme that threads through the life and ministry of Jesus that is often overlooked, misunderstood or underplayed in modern discussion: the Kingdom of God. It’s not about religious rituals or complex theological doctrines; it’s about a way of living that aligns with God’s will—what’s known as “The Kingdom Way.”

The Kingdom of God is not a peripheral concept in the scriptures; it stands at the heart of the biblical narrative.

This Kingdom must be:

  – Understood: Grasping its nature and purpose.

  – Accessed: Entering into its presence and system.

  – Operated within: Functioning according to its principles.

  – Manifested: Seeing its results in our lives.

Jesus used the phrase “The Kingdom of heaven is like” to introduce many parables, revealing the Kingdom’s principles, requirements, character, and design through stories. In Matthew 13 alone, we find seven parables: The Sower, Wheat and Tares, The Mustard Seed, The Leaven, The Hidden Treasure, The Pearl of Great Price, and The Dragnet.

He taught His followers to seek first His Kingdom and His righteousness, His way of doing things and being right, promising that all other things would be added unto them (Matthew 6:33 AMPC). In the Lord’s prayer, He taught His disciples to pray for the Kingdom to come on earth as it is in heaven (Matthew 6:10).

Today, let’s delve into three keys to understanding The Kingdom Way:

Key #1 – Inclusive of All People:

According to Galatians 3:28, the Kingdom is open to everyone through faith in Christ Jesus. This scripture calls us to unity, highlighting an all-inclusive Kingdom without distinction between Jew or Greek, enslaved person or free, male or female.

My Question to you is, “What is required to become a son or daughter of God?” Is it rules, regulations, rituals, the way you pray, or the denomination you are a part of? The Answer is Faith in Jesus Christ alone.

We are called to prioritise love for Christ and others. Yet, our allegiance to denominations, traditions, or personal biases often becomes a barrier to unity and releasing the true Kingdom. Have we inverted the order, allowing secondary identities to overshadow our primary identity in Christ? 

The Kingdom way is about loving everyone recognising that “God so loved the world.” The Kingdom of God is like a buffet of diversity, not a limited set menu of a few or manufactured traditions.

Key #2 – Righteousness, Peace, and Joy:

Romans 14:17 reminds us that the Kingdom of God is not about external rites but righteousness, peace, and joy in the Holy Spirit. These are the core attributes of the Kingdom—fruits of the Spirit that point to the transformative power of God’s reign in our hearts.

Despite our circumstances or frustrations in life, we have access to the one who resides in us and produces fruits of the Spirit, which are externally evident, peace and joy. These fruits confirm that God is on the throne of your heart and you have yielded to and trust him in all areas of your life.

The Kingdom way is a realm where God’s rule brings peace and joy to His people, surpassing worldly concerns and customs.

Key #3 – Present and Future Reality:

The Kingdom of God is both a present reality and a future promise. 

Luke 21:31 tells us to be aware of the signs and discern the Kingdom’s nearness.

Scripture encourages us to discern the signs of the times and recognise the nearness of the Kingdom (i.e. the return of Christ). We are called to be alert and ready always. Jesus warns us against spiritual lethargy and calls for spiritual alertness and readiness for his return.

Mark 1:15 emphasises the urgency of repentance and faith, showing us that the Kingdom is at hand. This is a call to live with Jesus at the centre of everything, being Kingdom-minded in all you do. To truly live out the Kingdom way, we must move beyond empty religious acts and embrace a life that sows seeds with eternal value, unleashing the Kingdom’s power in the here and now for an everlasting effect.


“Understanding these Kingdom truths is vital to breaking free from the shackles of fruitless religious rituals and self-righteous attitudes. 

It’s time to take action, to plant seeds with eternal significance that will unleash the Kingdom’s power here and now, transforming our lives with a lasting impact in mind. 

Shaun Smit

The Kingdom is both now and not yet. It’s about the here and how God’s reign produces fruits of righteousness, peace, and joy in our lives. Its doors are open to all, offering an inclusive embrace.

You ask, well, what can I do to embrace and outwork these truths?

#1 Right Thinking and Believing: 

Know that you are accepted and righteous in Christ, and everyone else is invited to this feast of grace. Stop judging those around you who will still come across your path; yes, they are different, even “weird”, yet never forget, they are included in the invitation list. Invite them and host them allowing the seed of the Kingdom to be released in them and begin its transformative work.

#2 Yielding to the Holy Spirit

Let peace and joy be the fruits you bear, guided by the Holy Spirit’s reign. Allow, God to rule and reigns in your heart and life. Give Him all your cares and burdens, trust Him, and have faith in God! Allow Him not only to be saviour, but Lord too.

#3 Two Vital Questions: 

The first question is, are your actions depositing eternal dividends? Am I eternity-driven or minded in all I do? The second Question to ask yourself is, am I releasing the Kingdom of God through my life wherever I go? In other words, am I a vessel God can use to share the gospel, pray for someone, allow the gifts to operate, sow financial seeds, bless the down and out, whatever the need? Am I a willing and obedient vessel?

Jesus didn’t establish a religion filled with rules and doctrines; He came to show us how to live “The Kingdom Way”—an active, not passive, interactive, measurable, and fruitful way of life.

Here is my Challenge for 2024 as part of our Kingdom Advancement: Ask yourself, who am I inviting to church next week?

Secondly, how will I release the Kingdom through my life this week?

Let’s embrace this challenge and step into the fullness of living The Kingdom Way.

This blog was inspired by Ps Shaun’s message at Faith Legacy Believers Church on the 11th of February, 2024. You can watch the full message below.

One Comment

  1. Yvonne Heathcote

    Another great message Ps Shaun .❤️

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