The Kingdom Way: Understanding the Kingdom | Part 2 – How It Functions

In our journey through “The Kingdom Way” series, we’ve discovered that Jesus’s teachings go beyond religious doctrines, focusing instead on a transformative way of living. In today’s observation, we examine the operational aspects of the Kingdom, understanding “how it functions” within us and through us.

Key #1: The Seed of the Word

The Kingdom of God, likened to a mustard seed in Matthew 13:31-32, starts small but has the potential to grow into something monumental. This parable highlights the humble beginnings of faith and its capacity to expand and provide shelter to many.

“Another story by way of comparison He set forth before them, saying, The Kingdom of heaven is like a grain of mustard seed, which a man took and sowed in his field. Of all the seeds it is the smallest, but when it has grown, it is the largest of the garden herbs and becomes a tree, so that the birds of the air come and find shelter in its branches. ” – Matthew 13:31-32 AMPC

The Process:

Receiving the Word: Just like planting a seed, it begins with receiving the Word of God with an open heart.

Soil Condition: The state of our heart—be it hardened by religiosity, tangled in legalism, or humbled with a genuine thirst for truth—determines the growth of the seed.

Transformation: As this seed takes root, it signifies the work of grace within us, leading to the Kingdom of God flourishing in our lives.

Key #2: Illuminated by the Holy Spirit

Ephesians 1:13 introduces the Holy Spirit as the seal upon our faith, the divine mark of authenticity and protection. This seal signifies a signet ring or seal in the Spirit. Just as sunlight is crucial for photosynthesis on natural seeds, the Holy Spirit illuminates the seed of the Word, empowering and nurturing our spiritual growth.

“In Him you also trusted, after you heard the Word of truth, the gospel of your salvation; in whom also, having believed, you were sealed with the Holy Spirit of promise,” – Ephesians 1:13

The Role of the Holy Spirit:

Marks and Sets Us Apart: We become distinguished as God’s own.

Sanctifies and Comforts: Beyond setting us apart, He purifies and reassures us.

Guides and Witnesses Within: Lead us in truth, confirming our identity as children of God, and lead us in God’s will for our lives.

Key #3: Empowered by Divine Authority

In Matthew 28:18-20, Jesus declares His authority over heaven and earth, a mandate He extends to His followers. This divine authority isn’t just a concept but a tangible reality that empowers us to operate within the Kingdom’s parameters, making disciples and teaching the ways of Christ.

And Jesus came and spoke to them, saying, “All authority has been given to Me in heaven and on earth. Go therefore and make disciples of all the nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and the Holy Spirit, teaching them to observe all things that I have commanded you; and lo, I am with you always, even to the end of the age. Amen.” – Matthew 28:18-20

Operating in Authority:

 Transference of Authority: Jesus’s authority is shared with us, enabling us to carry forward the Great Commission.

 Submission to Divine Order: Our submission to this authority aligns us with God’s will, facilitating the Kingdom’s work through us. 

“We cannot walk in authority until we learn to walk under authority.”

Shaun Smit

In conclusion:

Let’s look at a short story about growth and impact. Let’s consider the story of Eli and the mustard seed. 

“Once, in a small village lived a young boy named Eli. One day, Eli found a tiny mustard seed in the palm of his hand, given to him by his grandmother with a simple instruction: “Plant it, nurture it, and watch what it becomes.” Though sceptical of the seed’s significance, Eli planted it in a small patch of dirt outside his window.

As days passed, Eli observed the seed sprout into a tiny green shoot. He watered it, cared for it, and gradually, the shoot grew into a robust plant. Despite its slow start, the plant eventually blossomed into a majestic tree, offering shade and shelter to all seeking refuge under its branches. Eli’s grandmother explained, “Just like this mustard seed, the Kingdom of God starts small within us—through a simple act of faith. But with care and nurturing, that faith can grow into something beyond our wildest dreams, offering hope and shelter to many.”

Eli learned that the smallest beginnings could lead to great ends. And just like the mustard tree, the impact of living out the Kingdom way can extend far beyond our initial efforts, touching the lives of others in profound ways.”

Sceptical yet obedient, Eli planted a tiny seed, which, against all odds, grew into a refuge for many. This journey from scepticism to faith mirrors our own as we embrace the Kingdom Way—starting with a small act of faith and growing into a life of vast impact.

Applications for Kingdom Advancement

#1 Seed (The Word): Actively receive and nurture the Word of God in your life.

#2 Light (The Holy Spirit): Allow the Holy Spirit to illuminate your path, providing comfort, guidance, and an Inner witness.

#3 Submission (Divine Authority): Embrace the authority given to us through Christ, submitting to the Word and The Spirit, thereby empowering your Kingdom influence.

Active Faith: The Kingdom Way

Jesus’s teachings invite us into an active, dynamic faith. The Kingdom of God is not a passive state but a vibrant, living reality that demands our participation and bears tangible fruit.

Our Challenge for 2024: Kingdom Advancement: Who will you bring to church next week? Extend the invitation, sharing the warmth and shelter of the Kingdom with others. How will you release the Kingdom through you this week? Let your actions reflect the transformative power of living the Kingdom Way.

As we continue on this journey, remember that the Kingdom Way is about more than just understanding; it’s about living out the eternal impact of Christ’s teachings in every aspect of our lives.

This blog was inspired by Ps Shaun’s message at Faith Legacy Believers Church on the 18th of February, 2024. You can watch the full message below.

One Comment

  1. Although we had to watch our Church Service on line, the explanation that you have shared is awesome and extremely informative. God Bless you and Thank you for sharing 🌟🙏🌟🕊️🌟🩵🌟

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