Expectation: The Womb for Manifestation

In the journey of life, we often find ourselves grappling with hope and faith. Hope is not just merely throwing up a prayer and waiting to see what will happen. Hope is defined as the expectation for a desired outcome, which can either lift us up when fulfilled or bring us down when deferred. Proverbs …

What’s The Condition of Your Soil?

In September, I had the Lord lay on my heart a significant series called “What’s the condition of your soil?” It’s from Mark Chapter 4 where Jesus talks about the parable of the sower, it’s interesting that Jesus references this parable and remarks, “If you don’t understand this, how can you understand all the other parables?” This is a vital …

You Will Know Them By Their Love

There are some challenges that the world is facing today. The sad thing is, so much of it is bringing strife, anger, confusion, and division into the Body of Christ. Rightly or wrongly, the Church is caught up with division between border separations, vaccine decisions, various view points and in actual fact even doctrinal view points and …

Humility is God’s Highway (The Fast way to the Top)

We are living in a day of self; I, me and mine. The hearts of some people ask themselves questions like, What can I get?  What’s in it for me? This may not be true for everyone however for most part of our society and is quite apparent even in Christian circles (The Church). “Pride goes before destruction, …

Forget Yesterday, Reach For Tomorrow!

We need to “seize” the moment and live life to the full, no matter what is happening around us.  The Bible tells us not to remember the former things.  “Do not remember the former things, Nor consider the things of old. Behold, I will do a new thing, Now it shall spring forth; Shall you not …

Cast Your Cares

Jesus was very clear in communicating some of the things that believers will face while in this life, especially as we draw closer to His return. In the Matthew 24, Jesus said the signs of the time would consist of, wars, rumours of wars, nations will rise against nations, and kingdoms against kingdoms, there will be famines,  pestilences …