

Our Leadership:

Senior Pastors: Shaun & Megan Smit

Family is important to Shaun and is a husband to his beautiful wife Megan as well as proud father to Ezekiel their miracle baby. Shaun married the love of his life in 2009. Shaun and Megan are the Founders and Senior ministers of Faith Legacy Believers Church Gold Coast, Australia. Shaun is passionate about reaching the lost as well as equipping the body of Christ, to become all they can become by placing Christ first place in their lives. He is passionate about seeing people build their lives upon the word of God as well as activating the Gifts of the Holy Spirt in every believer’s life. He is also passionate about the market place ministry and seeing believers succeed and influence their sphere of influence as well as prospering to partner with the Kingdom of God. Shaun has two bachelor degrees in ministry and ordained under RMAA (Rhema Ministers Association Australia) as well as part of the International Glory City Network of Churches. Pastor Megan’s passion is to see all the women of God and young people set free and being led by the Spirit of God and to flow in the gifts that set them free. Her passion working one on one with people as well as also to assist her husband in creating entrepreneurship and discipleship to the highest degree in the Local Church.

Associate Pastors: Dr. Tony & Cathy Walter-Girout​

Tony Walter-Girout, has been in full time ministry and business for over 30 years, and is gifted in the Apostolic. Tony has been married to Catherine since 1979 and together have 4 beautiful children along with eight grand children. Tony has ministered as well as helped establish ministries such as Prison ministry, rehabilitation centres, business ministries as well as marriage seminars and counselling. Tony is passionate about establishing the correct function and partnerships between business leaders (Kings) and the Local Church (Priests) to see the Kingdom of God flourish and advance. Tony has a passion to reach the lost and see them filled with the Spirit. Tony is the Gold Coast President for Chariots Of Light Christian Motor Cycle Ministries and outreach of Jerry Savelle Ministries. Their Passion for God, for Souls and Motorcycles. Catherine has served in the ministry around the world since the age of 16 years old, teaching and equipping woman to be daughters of the most high, conducting their lives in accordance with the Word of God. She has stood by her husband, Tony through counselling married couples, hurting and broken woman, as well as working side by side in drug and alcohol Rehabilitation Centre’s including prison ministries. Catherine is passionate about seeing healing flow and the power of God touch peoples lives.

Elders: Charles and Coreen Kennedy

Charles and Coreen have been married for over 32 years and by God’s grace, they have  a beautiful family of two children and five grandchildren. Charles’s day job is a Project Manager and Coreen is a qualified Counsellor. Following their marriage in 1990, their ministry started with children in the church they were attending at the time, Through the years until now, they applied their ministry giftings to God's work in leadership roles of Pastoral Care, not only in church, but in our regular church home groups called Connect Groups. Charles and Coreen’s collective passion is to ensure that every church member, is loved, cared for spiritually, and to support our Pastors in teaching the Word of God and winning souls for Jesus.

Ministry Leaders

Market place Ministry Co-ordinator: Pastor Shaun Smit
Pastoral Care & New People Connect: Charles and Coreen Kennedy
Worship Co-ordinator: Louise Nuss
Media Co-ordinator: Sarah & Wesley Kennedy
Children’s Church Co-ordinators: Matthew and Robina Mestry
Ushers & Hostesses Co-ordinator: Rod James
Hospitality Co-ordinator: Maz James
Missions Director: Lynne Carter
Discipleship & Teaching Co-ordinator: Aimee Petrucci