

Lynne Carter

Lynne Carter, a defender of the disadvantaged, she lives out the true essence of knowing God. Inspired by Jeremiah 22:16, she believed that understanding God meant advocating for the disavantaged. Legacy Missions offers opportunities to “know God” by helping the underprivileged locally, nationally, and globally. By participating together, we express love through sharing the gospel of Jesus Christ. Our mission is driven by God’s unconditional love for the world, as stated in John 3:16-17.

If you would like to join our missions team fill out the form under the volunteer page and we will get back to you. 

CLICK HERE to view the latest Missions Newsletter.

Should you wish to sow a financial seed into any one of the Mission/Outreaches above, use the Online Giving form below, Text to give or Direct Transfer details as outlined below. 

On the online forms or text to give, be sure to tick missions and the relevant mission name add in details ie which mission to contribute into, and we will ensure this seed goes where it is required. 

If transferring via direct transfer, please specify in description relevant mission.

Online Giving

Use our New safe and secure Online Giving Form
using the Tithe.ly Church Giving Platform

Text to Give

Text the word GIVE from your smart phone to 0488 856 670

Bank Deposit

BSB – 014536
ACC – 328151849

Account Name
Faith Legacy Believers Church ANZ

Take a look at our latest Missions Newsletter. Get involved with our mission outreach, worldwide.