The Fruit of True Worship: Worshippers Understand Warfare

We’ve been on a series about cultivating a heart for God and that True Worshippers possess certain characteristics and bear fruit that glorifies God. Today, I want to conclude with your prayer life, but not only your prayer life, understanding that there is a place in the spirit as well as a specific approach to …

The Fruits of True Worship: Cultivating a Heart after God – Part 2: Worshippers Seek God

True Worshipers are those who seek God first above all. In our journey to understand the true essence of worship, we continue part two of this series and look at Jesus’ conversation with the Samaritan Woman at the well, which offers profound insights. The passage in John 4:19-24 (NKJV) captures a moment of revelation: “The Woman said …

The Fruits of True Worship: Cultivating a Heart after God

Part 1: God Seeks Worshippers Introduction Worship is more than an act; it’s a lifestyle that embodies our relationship with God. In the scripture, God consistently seeks those who worship Him in spirit and truth. This blog explores how true worship transforms lives and connects us deeply with our Heavenly Father. As we delve into …