Faith Legacy Believers Church Ltd thoroughly considers all requests for a refund and will ensure that genuine errors are corrected, however, we are under no obligation to give refunds and the decisions on refunds will be at Faith Legacy Believers Church Ltd’s discretion.
Faith Legacy Believers Church Ltd expects that anyone wishing to donate will consider their decision carefully and check donation amounts and allocations during transactions.
Under this policy, we will endeavour to refund donations in accordance with the following principles:
- If an error is made in making an online donation, we will honour all requests for refunds that are made in writing within 14 days of the date the donation was made. The written refund request should include the details of the initial transaction including the date, donation amount, donor’s name, ID, tax invoice number (if applicable) and the nature of the error. If the donation is not traceable eg. a cash donation for which there was no identity, no refund can be considered.
- Requests for refund can be sent by email. Email:
- Faith Legacy Believers Church Ltd will fully examine all requests for refund and endeavour to ensure that genuine errors are considered, however, we are under no obligation to give refunds and the decision on refunds will be at Faith Legacy Believers Church Ltd’s discretion.
- Refunds will be returned using the original method of payment less bank charges.
- Should an error be made by Faith Legacy Believers Church Ltd or our financial institution(s), a refund of the full amount will be made once we are notified of the error in writing.
- The refund policy for specific events or for goods or services received is determined according to the nature of the event, goods or service and once again at our discretion.
Faith Legacy Believers Church Ltd support legitimate claims however holds the right to evaluate each case by merit and under the law is not obligated to issue refunds from donations made.
If you feel you meet the above principles criteria and a genuine error was made in your donation in the following areas; amounts, purpose, allocations and or frequencies please email and request a Donation in Error Refund Form (DERF) and submit it back with a Statutory Declaration (QLD) in the timeframes outlined.
Refund evaluation steps;
- Request Donation in Error Refund Form (DERF) within 14 days of the error made.
- Return Donation in Error Refund Form (DERF) within 7 days of receiving the (DERF).
- Statutory Declaration (QLD) to be signed by a Justice of Peace and returned with the (DERF) as outlined in item 2 above. click on link
- Items 1, 2, and 3 are to be completed within 14 business days of an error made.
- Faith Legacy Believers Church Ltd will then review the error refund request with its financial board/committee to make a decision on the validity of the request.
- Faith Legacy Believers Church Ltd hold the right to request a further investigation in consultation with our accountants and/or legal representation should we detect unethical or fraudulent requests being attempted.
- You will then be notified of our decision once this matter has been determined, resolved and decided in accordance with our refund policy and processes.
- Should a refund request be found favourable, Faith Legacy Believers Church Ltd holds the right to deduct any costs associated with refunds such as bank fees, transaction costs and or any other costs associated with the refund.